To think that you could go capering down this trail, trudging carefree and careless was sheer delight. It was a notion of freedom in those times. I remember it was you, who chose to differ, who chose to streak bare. If they call you names now, degraded as you persist in their eyes, why feel ashamed. You chose to be this. Who told you it was going to be easy, name them, for no one, not one soul around you would have given you this sane advice. They are pickled in their own grease of ordinariness. They were all a group, a different brand. You just chose to be them, ever since you craved for their approval.
Their assembly has been wrecked for so long, so many times, so many clusters, each wondering where they fit in. Stigmatised by your own connections or the lack of them, you have moved on. What remains are unopened doors and unspoken words and you marvel at them as a fresh opportunity. You have systematically wrecked every relationship, cut every strand of association and betrayed every passion, just so you could drift. You are a vagabond of sorts, scared to hang on to something for too long, for longevity has never been your virtue.
You weary traveller, awaken; you are still in transit, your endpoint closing its doors on the likes of you. How many more inns will have to drench their hearth just so you don’t see a glimmer of hope? You arrogant fool, take my hand or you may die here in the cold. Let me be your crutch, I think you need me to limp along. I have been you and gone this way before. Just choose me and splash through this rivulet. It’s been dying here waiting to soak in to you. The icy waters will take away your pain, your load. I was once here and never made it further. Now that I have you, I want to choose again.
very deep but very true. U have hit the core of ur sub conscious. An ever restive soul wandering in search to seek the unforeseeable.
Stumbled upon ur blog. Can relate to what u write and wonder many times - 'What if'. So,dont wait. Go ahead and make ur choice - not as the crutch, the savior but as the healer, the instep partner. A whole new world exists, we just have to make the right choice.
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