Friday, June 5, 2009

My Friend

This is about an old friend and colleague. I have just been informed that she hangs her uniform after a brilliant career in the military. Let this be said that very few people match her in her professional and personal attributes. I have known her for her simplicity in dealing with issues that may have complex problems associated with them. I have known her for her gracious demeanour when dealing with difficult individuals. I have seen her exhibiting the moral courage and standing tall when men around her were loosing their spine. I have seen her humbly accept the things that can't be changed in a military system but with a resolve to make a difference the next time things can be set right. I have seen her get upset when she heard that the system had not done its best for uniformed personnel and their families. I have seen her be the son of the family while fulfilling the role of a doting wife and a loving mother. I have seen her teaching her students how to follow the harder right than the easier wrong... all by personal example. I have seen her on parade, digging her heels, as if each practice was the final show. I have seen her discipline her men when they fell out of line. I have seen her play the perfect host to the close friends that she has made in her career. I have heard her differ on issues that i thought couldn't have another point of view. I have also seen her the next morning all eager to have another discussion on another issue. I have seen her take sides just so that i wouldn't be the only voice in the room against the motion. For all that i have seen of her, the most remarkable has been the light in her eyes that showed the way when the dark tunnel was getting endless. I must add here, that she has been blessed to have had an admirable man as her husband. He has allowed her to live her military life the way she thought it needed to be lived. I have seen her learn from mistakes and make up for her shortfalls. I believe she has been a shinning example of a military man. Jasmine.. stay fresh like your name.. from all of us "Your Brothers in Arms"


Aarohi said...

Makes me want to know Jasmine...

Unknown said...

heyyyy dat was amazing!!!!!
Jas and Fady......u guys rock!!!!!!!!!!!!

minnie said...

Jas to me has been someone who got my life back on track....showed me once again that smiling is fun, just made me feel so good about myself...I started living again and have been going strong since then....

The one clown who can entertain for hours, who can listen to all that you have to say and tell you even more about it!!!!

Here's to Jas...Cheers....may the best come your way....

jaz said...

I am overwhelmed.Thank you sir and may God be with all "brothers in arms".God speed and god bless.Fly High!!!